A Warm Welcome to All of You!
Hooray! I’m so happy to get the Climate Story Garden launched, after a slight delay because of a challenging move. The website is now live at www.climatestorygarden.com!
I want to thank all my founding members who contributed to my successful Indiegogo campaign for raising funds to get the website hosted. I am now working on getting the first book launched so I can fill up the website with resource guides to help other writers get their own projects backed. In the meantime, I will send out newsletters with book reviews and other articles of interest to everyone as I build the audience list. Some of the content will be posted on the website for the public to view. Other content will be for those who subscribe to the newsletter with a small annual fee to help with all the costs.
For a deeper explanation of what the Climate Story Garden is and what the plans for it are, click on the What?, Why?, How?, Who? menu options at the top of the home page. Each page is represented by the images below.
I will have more newsletters coming soon as I build up the homepage and learn the ins and outs of this new platform. As the audience builds and my outreach expands, I will add more features and set up a regular publication schedule. In the meantime, read my recommended books, start writing your new climate fiction novel, and spread the word!
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